Tuesday, January 8, 2013

OUT OF STOCK… But Not Out of Options

I believe that I am nothing if not loyal (to a fault at times). I am loyal to my soil (thank you E-40). I am loyal to my friends. I am loyal to my family. I am loyal (and here is where fault begins to rear its head) to my hair products. Since I big chopped in 2008 I have been a faithful user of the Hair Rules line (see my review of my favorite Hair Rules products here). I’ve maintained that there wasn’t a thing in the world that could gently cleanse my hair like my Hair Rules Daily Cleansing Cream. Nothing quenched my curls like my Hair Rules Quench Conditioner. And nothing could whip my curls into shape like my Hair Rules Curly Whip.
When I first chopped my hair I was an 8oz. user. As my curls began to grow I bumped up to the 16oz. containers. Now that my hair stretches to 7 inches at it longest point I've moved on up (like the Jefferson’s) to the 32oz. containers… And herein lies the rub… Hair Rules has been OUT OF STOCK… of the 32oz. sizes of my three go-to products... For months (insert scary music here)!

If I lived in New York I would skip down to the Hair Rules Salon and restock my stash (easy breezy). But I don’t live in New York. I am a Cali girl (born and raised) and the stores here seem to think that 8oz. sizes of daily use conditioner and styler serve a valid purpose other than just making my curls thirst for more (Little Shop of Horrors Style… Feed me Seymour!). I’ve checked, and checked, and checked Hair Rules’ online store throughout the past few months only to find that the 32 oz. sizes of my go-to products are still OUT OF STOCK… Recently, I reached my limit, I decided that I would throw up my white flag and drive to the no so local Target (of course it would be too much to ask that the Target in my hood stock the line) and raid the shelves of all the 8oz. sized Hair Rules that I could fit into my cart. As I got into the car to prepare for my ride a voice of reason chimed in and whispered… “Why don’t you try something new???” Hummmmm… Well, it is the weekend… Hummmmm… I do have a number of other products I could give a go…. Hummmmm… I REALLY don’t feel like traveling south of the 10 to splurge on the small bottles of Quench and Curly Whip. Yes,  in this instance size does matter… A LOT! The cost per ounce is more than 40% higher for the smaller bottles than in the larger ones)… Okay it’s settled. These things that made me go Hummmm inspired me to go back into the house put on a little CC Music Factory and raid my stash.

I grabbed some bottles and jars of the new stuff and hopped in the shower and low and behold… There is life after OUT OF STOCK. While my curls didn’t react exactly as they had with my Hair Rules products I achieved maximum slip, defined curls, and maximum softness. Perhaps the best reward was the fact that each of the products I used were readily available on the ground at most of the stores that I frequent (ie. the Target in my hood) and are sold at price points that don’t break the bank… Victory!!!
While I still plan on re-upping on my Hair Rules staples whenever the 32oz. sized containers are back in stock I’ve learned that just because someone is “Out of Stock” doesn’t mean I am “Out of Options.” I am enjoying this period of trying new curly products and styles. The braid out in this photo was achieved with Giovanni Organic Smooth As Silk Deeper Moisture Conditioner ($8), Giovanni Organic Direct Leave-In Weightless Moisture Conditioner ($8), Curls Curl Soufflé Curl Cream ($16), homemade flax seed gel to smooth my edges, and finished with a spritz of Shea Moisture Organic Raw Shea Butter Reconstructive Elixir ($10).

Which of your favorite products can be hard to find? What do you use as a back-up?

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  1. I would like to get the Komaza Hair care line in stores close by. I use Taliah Waajid as a back up.

    1. Thank you for your comment Marie! I haven't tried either of those lines... But since writing this post I have limited my arsenal to products that are SUPER easy to find... Which reminds me, I need to blog my current regimen. If you want to see your favorite products in your local stores tell your local beauty supply retailer AND send the company a message (email or Facebook). Let both of them know where you live and that you would like to be able to find these products locally. The retailer will be happy that you are committed to spending your money with them and at the company will be happy that you are a committed user.
