Living the Curly (Curly, Curly, Curly)… Liiife requires a certain amount of dedication. One moment of weakness can set you back weeks, months, and sometimes even years. One trip to the salon to “see” how long my hair was when straightened left me with strands that just wouldn’t get curly and right again. One long weekend where I abandoned my nighttime braiding and satin head wrap ritual left me in single strand knot city. A week (or two) without a deep conditioning session and my hair reaches desert level dryness with frizz to match. This year, I made a commitment to my hair: I was going to maximize its care so that it could reach its maximum potential.
My newfound (or re-found if I am being totally accurate) commitment has led me to explore new products, invest time in new processes, and express appreciation for my hair by treating it with my best possible care… While I have stumbled upon some new practices (such as The Pre-Poo) that have left me (and my mane) forever changed… there are some things that just don’t require fixing. My commitment to Hair Rules (yes, Hair like H-A-I-R and Rules like R-U-L-E-S) is one of them.